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Using event emitting in vue-web-component-wrapper

The vue-web-component-wrapper enhances Vue components to be used as standard web components, supporting event emitting. Use the emits attribute in your Vue component to specify which events are emitted.

Defining emitted events in Vue Component

In your Vue component, define the emits in the component's options to specify which events are emitted.

App.vue (Vue Component):

  <button @click="emitCustomEvent">Click me</button>

export default {
    emits: ['customEvent'],
    methods: {
        emitCustomEvent() {
        // Emitting a custom event named 'custom-event'
        this.$emit('customEvent', { payload: 'some data' });

In this example, clicking the button in App.vue will emit a custom event named custom-event with an associated payload.

Using emitted events in Web Component

Usage in HTML:

    <my-web-component @custom-event="handleCustomEvent"></my-web-component>
        const component = document.querySelector('my-web-component');
        component.addEventListener('customEvent', (event) => {
            console.log('Custom event received:', event);
            // Do something with event data

Here, my-web-component is listening for the customEvent emitted from within the Vue component. Then with addEventListener we can listen to these custom events as you would with native DOM events.


  • The event names defined in your Vue component (customEvent, customEvent2, etc.) should match the @ attributes used in the HTML where the web component is utilized.
  • The emits attribute in the Vue component should be an array of strings, where each string is the name of an emitted event.